Sleeping Beauty Halloween

Family Sleeping Beauty Costume

This year for Halloween our family passed out candy at our church’s Trunk or Treat! My Mother-in-law created a really cute Disney castle display so we all dressed up like different Disney princesses! She is amazing at costume making and she helped make mine and Nick’s costumes. They turned out so cute so I wanted to explain how they were made!

Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty

For Prince Charming he wore grey jeans with a grey long leave shirt and black boots. He had all of that on hand so it was easy! The tunic and cape were made by my mother-in-law! She bought dark blue velvet to create a shirt, cut a hole for the head and sewed red velvet on each of the shoulders. The cape was cut red velvet that we thread through a gold buckle at the neck. The belt was a strip of black leather with another gold buckle.

Toddler Sleeping Beauty

Juliet’s outfit was really easy! The dress came from Amazon. Unfortunately it’s not for sale anymore but HERE is one that is similar and super cute! I made her crown by taking gold glitter paper and cutting out the crown and glueing it to 2 thin strips of gold glitter paper. I used bobby pins to attach the crown to her hair.

Family Sleeping Beauty Costumes

My dress is actually a vintage wedding dress that my mother-in-law found at a second hand store. She used pink fabric spray paint to turn the dress hot pink! Then she sowed some strips of white satin to make the sleeves and the white triangles at the waist. The gloves I was wearing were actually the little kids ones that came with Juliet’s costume! I made my crown the same way I made Juliets but instead I hot glued it to a princess crown I had on hand!

This was such a fun costume for our family & we had such a blast being the Sleeping Beauty family!