JuJu B's Play House Makeover

Play House Makeover

This last weekend we finally got around to building Juliet’s play house! We bought this last year at Sam’s Club when it was on sale and it has been sitting in our garage ever since! I knew I wanted to build it and paint it all in the same day but I wont lie, this was a bigger project than I anticipated! I still have some little decor I want to add to it and I’ll be sure you update you once I do! But for now I’ve received a lot of questions on how we did this so I’m going to break it down for you!


This is the play house we purchased from Sam’s Club, It’s called the Stonewood Outdoor Playhouse by KidKraft. Unfortunately Sam’s Club doesn’t carry it anymore but you can find it on some random websites. You can use any play house to do this, so pick one you like and you can transform it! I also suggest spending some time on Pinterest getting ideas on what color scheme you want.

Once you have a playhouse, get the base put together and put it on a tarp. Looking back, I wish we had put more of the house than this together and painted it all in one big piece. The top window triangle pieces each had 6-7 wood pieces to screw together. It would have been easier to build those and add them to the base for painting that it was to paint each one individually.

Painting the Base

This took two coats of white, exterior semi-gloss paint on both the inside and the outside of the house. While this was drying we laid out all of the plastic window and roof pieces to spray paint black, and the accessories gold. Next time, we will be spray painting on cardboard and NOT plastic tarps. The spray paint stuck to the tarp and then would peel off the pieces we were trying to paint! I also likely will need to replace some of the gold accessories as the spray paint is flaking off. I’d like to order more durable pieces to replace some of the knobs and kitchen items.

Spray Paint

While everything was drying we got to work painting the door and bench seat black. We used black exterior semi-gloss paint and put two coats on each. These were originally red and even if I wanted to keep them red, I still would have painted them. The wood was more stained than painted so it was a dull red.

Painting Door

These are just some of the smaller parts we individually painted white. I wish we would have jumped ahead in the instructions and put them together and painted them whole.

small white parts

From there we followed the manufacturers instructions to put the house together. You can see in the picture below that it’s starting to come together.


That was it! In theory we didn’t do much more than the instructions would have you do any ways! But the painting was pretty time consuming. However I was totally worth it! Her house turned out adorable and she already loves it! I plan to make her a little mail box, add flowers to the window boxes, a front door mat, wreath and an inside rug.

I left off some plastic clock panels that went on one of the windows because I couldn’t paint them to match and they weren’t that cute. So I’ll need to do something in the future to enhance that window since it’s a little plain without those pieces. Stay tuned and I’ll update you with all the little trimmings we add!

I hope this helped you and I’m happy to answer any questions you have!

Playhouse Makeover