Valentines Day tea party

Life is so busy with 3 kids that I totally forgot to decorate for Valentine’s Day or make any fun plans with the kids. My oldest daughter mentioned being sad we didn’t have any decorations up so while the older kids were at school I decided to put together a fun surprise for them. I rummaged through the attic and found some decorations, made a quick trip to the store and put together a little tea party for us!

My kids absolutely love having tea parties and using this adorable tea set for their water to drink out of. I put out some heart shaped sandwiches with a cake, little cups filled with whipped cream and their tea set filled with water. We also have this super cute tea cart they love to play with so I brought that out for our party as well!


My girls loved getting to dress up in these beautiful matching mommy and me dresses during our tea party! and I had this adorable little pink suit for my son and it matched our dresses perfectly! I love that he looked like a little valentine! I think these matching outfits would be so cute for so many different occasions! With Easter around the corner they would be the perfect Easter outfits!

I made a video setting up our little tea party that you can watch HERE. I hope this gave you some inspiration on how to make some special memories with your kids! They are only this young once and while the days can be so incredibly long, the years really do fly by! I am trying to be more intentional about making memories like these even if the reality isn’t as perfect a the pictures may look! I’m learning more and more that life with kids is far from perfect. Someone is always crying or complaining and it’s easy to get frustrated! But when you stop looking for perfection, and embrace the chaos it gives you the freedom to have fun despite all the frustrations!

