OMG I'm Pregnant?!

Pregnancy Announcement

Wake up, unwrap the pregnancy test, pee and then wait. I knew the routine because this was my sixth one in 2 weeks. I'm probably overreacting. Plenty of women go 11 days without their period right? But my boobs do REALLY hurt.... maybe it's because my period is coming soon. Five minutes felt like forever. I took my time feeding the cat and getting myself a glass of water. Wow, I'm really thirsty. I walked back to the bathroom and braced myself for disappointment.

But- wait! There are two pink lines this time! I double checked to box to make sure that that meant I was pregnant- even though I knew the answer. I couldn't be happier to finally have a positive pregnancy test. Nick was still sleeping so I carefully thought about how to tell him the news.

I dug around to find a little box big enough to fit the pregnancy test in it. I found a piece of paper and I wrote Nick a note that I knew would make him the happiest man alive.

For a whole hour and a half, I was the only person that knew my secret. The minute's drug on and I contemplated waking him so many times. So I helped speed time up by deciding how we would tell our family members our news. Because I didn't want to wait for something online to come in the mail, and no local stores sell pregnancy announcement products, I made these cute mugs for our parents and siblings. They were super easy! I just bought mugs from the 99 Cent Store and wrote on them with a permanent marker!


After what felt like an eternity, Nick woke up and I got to share the news with him. He was so excited to become a Dad and couldn't wait to share the news with everyone else!

There was only one last piece of business to take care of, we needed to give our families the good news! Needless to say that everyone was ecstatic!

I'd love to hear how you announced your pregnancy to your husband and family! Comment below to share your story.