Juliet's 4 Month Update

Juliet's 4 Month Update

Wow! I cannot believe how fast the past 4 months have gone! I remember before Juliet was born people used to tell me to enjoy every moment because time would fly by. I literally rolled my eyes and thought, yea I know time goes by fast. But here is what I didn't realize, time goes faster with a kid! I dont know why that is but I feel like I blinked and she was 4 months old! Now I'm the one telling every new parent that it will go by fast! I've definitely shed my fair share of tears over how quickly time has gone, and I do miss her being a tiny newborn. But at the same time, I have loved watching her grow and develop! I have loved watching her personality develop and hearing her find her voice! We still have hard days, because life isn't perfect! But I do feel like we are both starting to get the hang of things! So here is a brief little update on all things JuJu B!

  • Juliet is finally taking a pacifier!! I could literally jump for joy writing this. It only took 4 months...but hey we will take it!

  • She beat her sleep regression and is sleeping through the night again! (knock on wood..) When she wasn't sleeping through the night we moved her to her swing and started sleeping on the couch... we are still there! Hopefully this week we can transition her back to the basinet in our bedroom without it disrupting her sleep.

  • She still hates tummy time and it's been challenging to get her to develop the strength she needs. But we are working on it and she gets stronger every day!

  • She is tolerating her carseat better but still cries almost every car ride. I'm really hoping this will get better as she gets older!

  • She still loves her "friends" and gets new ones on a weekly basis! (If you've been following along with us then you know we call her stuffed animals her friends).

  • She "talks" more and more every day and we can't wait to start hearing real words come out of her mouth (But we also aren't in a rush for time to go any faster!).

  • She isn't fully rolling over yet but she does roll from back to side and inch her way clockwise every time she rolls.

  • Recently she's been going through a big mommy phase where she wants to be with me all the time and will cry when other people hold her. While I love that she wants me, it's also really hard when I need to get stuff done. And I always feel bad for the person who wants to hold her.

  • She is gaining weight like a champ and hasn't had any feeding problems since we switched to bottle feeding! (you can read about her struggle to gain weight here).

I feel like I am finally starting to get the hang of life as a mom. The hardest transition has been learning how to be the best mom I can be while also still being a good wife, daughter, friend, business owner, and coach. I won't lie, it's hard for me to juggle all those hats without completely losing myself. I have a tendency to try to please others without thinking about myself and what I need. I've really been trying to put a focus on self-care lately which is a completely new thing for me! Would you want to hear more about that?

On another note...I'm finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight! Except I'm bigger at this weight than I was before, so I'm still working towards losing a little more weight. And to answer the question I know you are wondering, it did not just "fall off." I had to work hard to get where I am now! I've accepted that my body will never be the same again and remind myself daily that it's worth the sacrifice to have our little miracle. 

Nick and I love being parents. One of my favorite parts about the last few months has been watching Nick play with and take care of Juliet. It literally melts my heart. We love seeing her smile and hearing her baby babble. I absolutely love it when she wraps her hands around our fingers. I could just sit and watch her for hours! I literally don't think I can remember life before her! It's funny how you think you know what love is before having kids but after they are here, you find this unconditional love for them that you've never experienced before!

I also thought it might be helpful for me to share some of the baby products we are loving at the moment! 

  • The 4moms MamaRoo. She has been sleeping in it for the last week to help with her sleep regression.

  • Vulli Sophie The Giraffe

  • Tommee Tippee Pacifiers are the only ones she will keep in her mouth.

  • Bumbo. She has just started using this for short amounts of time. She doesn't like it yet but it is helping to keep her upright and off her back.

  • Hatch Baby Rest. This is a nightlight and sound machine that is programable so it turns on and off at the same time every day. It has multiple sound options to create white noise and keep loud noises from startling her and waking her up. Our cat Napoleon meows really loudly in the middle of the night and it used to wake her up until we started using this.

Hope you enjoyed reading our update! I'm always happy to answer questions!