How to Cope With Morning Sickness

How To Cope With Morning Sickness

Whoever came up with the name morning sickness must have either never been pregnant or extremely lucky to only experience nausea in the morning. My experience has been quite literally the opposite. Mornings are rough, but so is the rest of the day. Late at night is actually the worst for me. Most days I actually can't throw up. My whole body convulses into a gagging/coughing fit. On a good day something comes out, I feel at least a little bit better and the coughing stops. On a bad day, I'll be coughing every few minutes until everything inside me hurts.  I've talked to friends and family and spent hours researching solutions. So here is my list of suggestions. While all of these help, unfortunately none of them completely surpress the nausea.

  1. Acupuncture Sea Bands. Yes they really work! I've noticed a huge difference between the times I wear them and times I don't. I'd suggest buying a two pack because you will wear through them and they start to look a little nasty. You can buy them HERE on amazon.

  2. Eat small frequent meals. The nausea gets worse when you are hungry- so don't let yourself get hungry. Make sure you eat first thing in the morning and about every 2 hours thereafter. If you will be out an about all day I suggest putting a bag of crackers in your bag and in your car for when you can't get to food in time.

  3. Jolly Ranchers! They don't just taste delicious- they actually help surpress the nausea. Some people speculate that the desire to throw up is due to the excess saliva running down your throat all day. Sucking on hard candy helps solve this problem. I'd suggest buying an extra large bag as you will run through them quickly.

  4. Stay hydrated. I know water doesn't sound very appetizing right now. But staying hydrated will go a long way towards helping with the sick feeling. If you can't drink plain water try lemonade! The lemon should help with the nausea as well. I like to make mine with stevia so it is calorie free!

  5. Ginger-ale. Ginger is proven to help reduce nausea so any form of ginger will help. I've also found that carbonated beverages can help settle your stomach!

  6. Stay cool. The heat can aggravate your morning sickness. So whenever possible stay cool!

  7. Exercise. Even if it's only a walk around your neighborhood. I know that it's hard to get up and moving when you feel awful and can't keep food down, but trust me, it really does help! This will also help you stay in shape!

  8. Unisom Sleep Tabs. Make sure you check with your doctor first, but this worked wonders for me! Unisom Sleep Tabs are sold over the counter and contain an antihistamine called Doxyalamine Succinate. It's recommended to be used in conjunction with Vitamin B6. However, I found that B6 made me more nauseous so I only took Unisom at night before bed. I noticed a huge difference in my ability to sleep through the night without needing to vomit. I also noticed a decreased amount of nausea the following day. To learn more about how this works, check with your doctor.

Did you find this helpful? What did you do to cope with your morning sickness? Comment Below!