Our Blessed Life

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How To Get Out Of The House With A Newborn


Juliet's first two weeks were really rough. You can read more about that in her Post-Birth Story. We had to leave the house the day after we came home from the hospital and multiple other times during her first two weeks for doctors appointments. However, aside from that, I only left the house to go for walks. After those two weeks were up, I felt cooped up and desperately needed more human interaction. Now it's rare that I don't get out of the house at least once a day. Some days we are gone just about all day! People are always commenting on how impressed they are to see me out and about with a newborn baby. I've gotten a lot of questions on how I manage to be out so much so I decided to share some tips!

  1. Keep your diaper bag packed with the essentials.

  2. Restock your diaper bag every night.

  3. Keep extras in the car. I have a spare travel changing pad in the car that has extra diapers and wipes in it, just in case I run out during the day.

  4. Spend your time with people who get it. It is so much easier to go places when you are with people who understand that your plans might change because of your baby. If you have friends and family that are willing to help-take it! One of the reasons I am able to get to the gym is because Nick's mom helps me! She goes early with me so I can feed Juliet before class starts and sometimes she will watch her for me so my workout isn't interrupted.

  5. Make plans after 11am. I'm not a morning person so mornings have always been rough for me. Add a baby to that and it's even harder. I try to keep my plans for after 11am so I can get a few morning feedings in and still have time to finishing packing everything for the day and have time to get myself ready.

  6. Get a stroller that is easy to get around town with. We have the Nuna Mixx 2 which you can clip the car seat in to. It folds and unfolds really easily and allows me to get in and out of the car quickly.

  7. Get a small backpack for yourself and keep one of each of the essentials in it so you dont have to lug your daiper bag in with you to target. I keep my wallet, sunglasses, keys, phone, 1 diaper and wipes inside it. If I know I'm close to feeding time then I will bring her bottle, burp cloth, and a bib as well. I have a backpack like this.

  8. Don't be a perfectionist. You just had a baby. No one cares if your house is clean everyday or if you cook dinner every night. Give yourself some grace to adjust to life with a baby!

  9. We don't have a schedule. This allows me to be mobile without needing to get home for naps or bedtime routines. I know some people feel very strongly on putting their babies on an eating and sleeping schedule. However, I have never been one to live my life on a schedule and wasn't about to start now. Juliet has done really well this way! She naps in her carseat, stroller, or front pack while we are out and about and she cries when she is hungry. She is just over 2 months and she sleeps through the night now!

I'm curious to hear from you! What do you do to make it easier to get out with your babies?

Outfit Details: Shoes / Dress- Jeanology- follow them on instagram!